Kids Rooms For The Grandchildren - A Growing Baby Boomer Trend

Asheville Kids RoomAs baby boomers become grandparents, they are increasingly active and and want to interact more in the daily lives of the their families than people from past generations, starting a new housing trend, kids rooms for their grandchildren. Custom Home Builders and Interior Designers are seeing an increase in requests for custom grandkids rooms. Places and spaces for bunk beds, built-in cubbies to hold electronics and activity centers.

We all have memories of going to Grandma’s house and seeing glass figurines, sleeping in flower sheets or quietly playing with lincoln logs. Grandparents today, want to be cool. They want their grandkids to come over and stay, so  they are choosing create an environment where their children and grandchildren are excited to come  to.

Their challenge - creating rooms that can grow as the children do, or even accommodate multiple grandkids from separate families. Ideas like adjustable height chairs and tables, unisex color schemes, stain-proof upholstery, removable floor tiles and a trough for a sink can help the long-term growing pains. Asheville Kids Room Ideas

If you are building or remodeling your home, the children or grandchildren’s room may be something to consider for your long term plans. If you want to see your family, adding this concept will make them feel welcome for years to come.

Asheville Grandkids RoomsFor more information about Asheville custom homes For more information about Asheville Interior Design, visit HomeSource Design Center.


Photo Credit(s): Pinterest



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