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How to Fight Escalating Lumber Prices
Lumber continues to be THE big issue in homebuilding. The costs for framing lumber and plywood are three times what they were a year ago. That's right—they've tripled. It's insane. This news can be discouraging if you are building a home. Read this post to learn what you can do about it!
10 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Balcony or Terrace
If it's a rooftop terrace or an apartment deck, these exclusive outdoor areas have a wealth of benefits. If you're not sure how to make the most of this exclusive feature of your house, there are a few things you can do to transform your terrace or balcony into a lovely oasis where you can entertain guests and relax. This guide will show you 10 tips to turn your terrace or balcony in a few simple steps.
Keeping the Authorities Happy
A successful new-home build is a predictable one, with no unpleasant surprises. Predictability comes from good planning, as well-planned projects tend to stay on budget and on schedule. Good planning includes making sure the home will meet all code and zoning requirements. Read this post to learn why!
Is the Customer Always Right?
Is the customer always right? The short answer is no because the best builders understand that an anything-you-want approach really doesn't serve customers. We would go further and caution people to beware of the builder who never pushes back. Read this post to learn why!
Is LVT Right for Your New Home?
Custom homebuyers have asked what we think about luxury vinyl tile, or LVT, a popular flooring. We're not the only ones getting questions: according to some articles we've read, LVT is one of the world's fastest-growing floor coverings. Read this post for our answer.
Internet Reality Check
We all love the internet. It's a bottomless source of ideas and inspiration for any project, and most people wouldn't think of starting a new custom home before spending some serious time online. However, it’s a resource with its drawbacks. Read this post for ideas about how to avoid the most common mistakes when searching for ideas on the web.
Reducing the Cost of Regulation
Did the budget for your new home come in higher than you expected? Part of the reason may be that the fixed costs of building anything have gone up. Government rules take time, money, and skill to navigate. That's why you need a pro. Learn more in this blog post!
Rethinking Home
Did you know that the half-bath became popular in the years following the 1918-1920 Spanish Flu pandemic? That's because homeowners wanted to keep visitors' germs out of the main bath. Did you also realize that Modern interior design first took hold in America during the Great Depression? Although embraced by the wealthy, its emphasis on practicality and simplicity seemed appropriate for a time of general economic hardship.
Solving The Price Puzzle
Have you ever called a car dealership to ask how much cars cost per pound? You say that's a ridiculous question? We agree. In fact, we expect the dealership's sales staff would wonder what you had been smoking.
Answering the Current Building Products Challenge
If you're ready to start a new custom home, you may need to deal with ongoing fallout from the coronavirus-related economic shutdown. That means working with your builder to mitigate its impact.
What Type of Client Are You?
The best business relationships are those where everyone has high standards, both for themselves and for the other parties. This is certainly the case when building a new custom home—a complex, expensive and emotion-laden effort in which the homeowner and builder must collaborate closely for months. Successful outcomes demand mutual trust and confidence.
Can You Finish My Home By...?
Many clients approach a builder with an idea about how long it should take to finish their new home. Some underestimate the time the project will require, while others expect it to take a lot longer.